We will be having a chemistry class using the Apologia Chemistry, 2nd
edition. The class will meet once a week,on Thurs. mornings from 10-12.
Location will depend on the size of the class.
A knowledge of basic Algebra is needed to do the math for this course
(setting up and manipulating equations, unit conversions and scientific
Classes will run Sept. 9 - Dec. 16, and Jan. 6 - May 12, with no classes on
Thanksgiving and spring break. Cost for the class is $120 per semester.
There will be a one-time lab and copying fee, yet to be determined.
Below is a list of the families that I have signed up so far. If I missed
your name, or you are interested in this class please contact me. You can
email or call me at 785-865-8044.
Thank you,
Robin Brooks